Cursos online de maquillaje y cosmética, autor en Master En Cosmética Formación online para emprender tu negocio Tue, 04 Jun 2024 01:52:05 +0000 es hourly 1 Cursos online de maquillaje y cosmética, autor en Master En Cosmética 32 32 214718868 Tips de skincare que puedes comenzar a seguir en tus 20 – Nosotras Tue, 04 Jun 2024 01:52:05 +0000 source

La entrada Tips de skincare que puedes comenzar a seguir en tus 20 – Nosotras se publicó primero en Master En Cosmética.

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La entrada Tips de skincare que puedes comenzar a seguir en tus 20 – Nosotras se publicó primero en Master En Cosmética.

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8 trucos de belleza caseros (que funcionan) para lucir radiante – EL ESPAÑOL Tue, 04 Jun 2024 01:16:35 +0000 source

La entrada 8 trucos de belleza caseros (que funcionan) para lucir radiante – EL ESPAÑOL se publicó primero en Master En Cosmética.

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La entrada 8 trucos de belleza caseros (que funcionan) para lucir radiante – EL ESPAÑOL se publicó primero en Master En Cosmética.

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Encuesta del lunes del blog de maquillaje y belleza, vol. 834 Tue, 04 Jun 2024 01:16:27 +0000 Have a joyful Monday! So…what is the Monday Poll? Excellent question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007). 1. Call or text? […]

La entrada Encuesta del lunes del blog de maquillaje y belleza, vol. 834 se publicó primero en Master En Cosmética.

Have a joyful Monday!

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Excellent question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007).

1. Call or text?

Text for silly things or middle-of-the-night musings, and call for important things.

2. Black and white or color?

Color, 100%. Side note (and sci-fi moment), this question makes me think of the new “Dune” movies and the planet called Geidi Prime, which is black and white and shades of gray. Everytime I see those scenes, I think to myself, “I could never live in a place without any color.”

3. Sushi or ramen?

Sushi all the way, babe.

4. Brow pencil or brow powder?

Brow pencil but only if it’s a twist-up pencil!

5. Something you have to do this week?

So many things – support Connor during her dance team auditions, finish a whole lotta stuff at work, train Marni and so much more. I do want to do some fun things for me, though, and that includes reading a book I just started called “Fourth Wing.”

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.S. Here are the questions to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. Talk to ya soon.

1. Call or text?
2. Black and white or color?
3. Sushi or ramen?
4. Brow pencil or brow powder?
5. Something you have to do this week?


La entrada Encuesta del lunes del blog de maquillaje y belleza, vol. 834 se publicó primero en Master En Cosmética.

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El caso del lápiz perdido | Nuevo vestido de trabajo | Consiga esto en Trader Joe's lo antes posible Mon, 03 Jun 2024 22:53:49 +0000 Oh my gosh, the funniest thing happened at work yesterday afternoon. It’s been super busy for the past few weeks, and I’ve been pretty much glued to my computer screen from the time I walk in until the time I head out. Anywho, when I have to keep track of a lot of things, I […]

La entrada El caso del lápiz perdido | Nuevo vestido de trabajo | Consiga esto en Trader Joe's lo antes posible se publicó primero en Master En Cosmética.


Oh my gosh, the funniest thing happened at work yesterday afternoon. It’s been super busy for the past few weeks, and I’ve been pretty much glued to my computer screen from the time I walk in until the time I head out. Anywho, when I have to keep track of a lot of things, I have a system where I use a bunch of different pens and pencils, and I low-key started freaking out when I couldn’t find my mechanical pencil yesterday afternoon. I knew that I had just used it to write a few notes down, and then all of the sudden I couldn’t find it.

After looking all over and giving up, I just went about my business and tried to finish up my work without it. Before I left for the day, I went to the bathroom and that’s when I realized that I had the pencil up in my hair the whole time, HA HA HA! I was so caught up in trying to figure out some things that I forgot that I put my hair up in a bun and used the pencil to secure it. MYSTERY SOLVED!

OK, so I ordered a handful of dresses from Nordstrom Rack (which we call “The Rack” at work) because I’m on a mission to find a new summer work uniform. I wore one of them, a navy blue one with a floral print by Vince Camuto, and I have to say, 1) I may never take a normal picture again for the rest of my life now that I live with three feisty ladies (Connor, Rosie and Marnie), and 2) I quite like this dress.

I like the drape, how the material doesn’t get wrinkly (it’s polyester, which isn’t my favorite, but at least isn’t scratchy), the slight puff in sleeves (puffy but not too puffy), the pockets and the print. Side note, I’m into prints these days because they seem to do better at hiding the pet hair and random bits of food and sauce that I drop on myself. SIGH.

The only thing that I’m not crazy about is that the material itself is a little heavy for very hot days. I don’t see myself grabbing this dress if I know I have to walk around in 90-plus degree heat.

Oh, as you can see in the top pic, I styled it with a pair pink Nikes and a denim jacket, but I’m sure one could just as easily dress it up with some cute heels and a blazer.

One last thing, I stumbled onto these tomatoes at Trader Joe’s and right now they’re my favorite thing. I bought them initially because I thought they were cute. LOL! But they turned out to be absolutely delicious. So flavorful!

I can’t stand it when you bite into a tomato and it tastes like you’re eating air. I could easily smash the entire package in one sitting, and now every time I hit up TJ’s, I look for them. Grab a package if you see one!

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



La entrada El caso del lápiz perdido | Nuevo vestido de trabajo | Consiga esto en Trader Joe's lo antes posible se publicó primero en Master En Cosmética.

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El caso del lápiz perdido | Nuevo vestido de trabajo | Consiga esto en Trader Joe's lo antes posible Mon, 03 Jun 2024 20:50:14 +0000 Oh my gosh, the funniest thing happened at work yesterday afternoon. It’s been super busy for the past few weeks, and I’ve been pretty much glued to my computer screen from the time I walk in until the time I head out. Anywho, when I have to keep track of a lot of things, I […]

La entrada El caso del lápiz perdido | Nuevo vestido de trabajo | Consiga esto en Trader Joe's lo antes posible se publicó primero en Master En Cosmética.


Oh my gosh, the funniest thing happened at work yesterday afternoon. It’s been super busy for the past few weeks, and I’ve been pretty much glued to my computer screen from the time I walk in until the time I head out. Anywho, when I have to keep track of a lot of things, I have a system where I use a bunch of different pens and pencils, and I low-key started freaking out when I couldn’t find my mechanical pencil yesterday afternoon. I knew that I had just used it to write a few notes down, and then all of the sudden I couldn’t find it.

After looking all over and giving up, I just went about my business and tried to finish up my work without it. Before I left for the day, I went to the bathroom and that’s when I realized that I had the pencil up in my hair the whole time, HA HA HA! I was so caught up in trying to figure out some things that I forgot that I put my hair up in a bun and used the pencil to secure it. MYSTERY SOLVED!

OK, so I ordered a handful of dresses from Nordstrom Rack (which we call “The Rack” at work) because I’m on a mission to find a new summer work uniform. I wore one of them, a navy blue one with a floral print by Vince Camuto, and I have to say, 1) I may never take a normal picture again for the rest of my life now that I live with three feisty ladies (Connor, Rosie and Marnie), and 2) I quite like this dress.

I like the drape, how the material doesn’t get wrinkly (it’s polyester, which isn’t my favorite, but at least isn’t scratchy), the slight puff in sleeves (puffy but not too puffy), the pockets and the print. Side note, I’m into prints these days because they seem to do better at hiding the pet hair and random bits of food and sauce that I drop on myself. SIGH.

The only thing that I’m not crazy about is that the material itself is a little heavy for very hot days. I don’t see myself grabbing this dress if I know I have to walk around in 90-plus degree heat.

Oh, as you can see in the top pic, I styled it with a pair pink Nikes and a denim jacket, but I’m sure one could just as easily dress it up with some cute heels and a blazer.

One last thing, I stumbled onto these tomatoes at Trader Joe’s and right now they’re my favorite thing. I bought them initially because I thought they were cute. LOL! But they turned out to be absolutely delicious. So flavorful!

I can’t stand it when you bite into a tomato and it tastes like you’re eating air. I could easily smash the entire package in one sitting, and now every time I hit up TJ’s, I look for them. Grab a package if you see one!

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



La entrada El caso del lápiz perdido | Nuevo vestido de trabajo | Consiga esto en Trader Joe's lo antes posible se publicó primero en Master En Cosmética.

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El caso del lápiz perdido | Nuevo vestido de trabajo | Consiga esto en Trader Joe's lo antes posible Mon, 03 Jun 2024 18:22:41 +0000 Oh my gosh, the funniest thing happened at work yesterday afternoon. It’s been super busy for the past few weeks, and I’ve been pretty much glued to my computer screen from the time I walk in until the time I head out. Anywho, when I have to keep track of a lot of things, I […]

La entrada El caso del lápiz perdido | Nuevo vestido de trabajo | Consiga esto en Trader Joe's lo antes posible se publicó primero en Master En Cosmética.


Oh my gosh, the funniest thing happened at work yesterday afternoon. It’s been super busy for the past few weeks, and I’ve been pretty much glued to my computer screen from the time I walk in until the time I head out. Anywho, when I have to keep track of a lot of things, I have a system where I use a bunch of different pens and pencils, and I low-key started freaking out when I couldn’t find my mechanical pencil yesterday afternoon. I knew that I had just used it to write a few notes down, and then all of the sudden I couldn’t find it.

After looking all over and giving up, I just went about my business and tried to finish up my work without it. Before I left for the day, I went to the bathroom and that’s when I realized that I had the pencil up in my hair the whole time, HA HA HA! I was so caught up in trying to figure out some things that I forgot that I put my hair up in a bun and used the pencil to secure it. MYSTERY SOLVED!

OK, so I ordered a handful of dresses from Nordstrom Rack (which we call “The Rack” at work) because I’m on a mission to find a new summer work uniform. I wore one of them, a navy blue one with a floral print by Vince Camuto, and I have to say, 1) I may never take a normal picture again for the rest of my life now that I live with three feisty ladies (Connor, Rosie and Marnie), and 2) I quite like this dress.

I like the drape, how the material doesn’t get wrinkly (it’s polyester, which isn’t my favorite, but at least isn’t scratchy), the slight puff in sleeves (puffy but not too puffy), the pockets and the print. Side note, I’m into prints these days because they seem to do better at hiding the pet hair and random bits of food and sauce that I drop on myself. SIGH.

The only thing that I’m not crazy about is that the material itself is a little heavy for very hot days. I don’t see myself grabbing this dress if I know I have to walk around in 90-plus degree heat.

Oh, as you can see in the top pic, I styled it with a pair pink Nikes and a denim jacket, but I’m sure one could just as easily dress it up with some cute heels and a blazer.

One last thing, I stumbled onto these tomatoes at Trader Joe’s and right now they’re my favorite thing. I bought them initially because I thought they were cute. LOL! But they turned out to be absolutely delicious. So flavorful!

I can’t stand it when you bite into a tomato and it tastes like you’re eating air. I could easily smash the entire package in one sitting, and now every time I hit up TJ’s, I look for them. Grab a package if you see one!

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



La entrada El caso del lápiz perdido | Nuevo vestido de trabajo | Consiga esto en Trader Joe's lo antes posible se publicó primero en Master En Cosmética.

]]> 0 5367
Sundays With Tabs the Cat, mascota del blog de maquillaje y belleza, vol. 815 Mon, 03 Jun 2024 14:23:17 +0000 Man, Spring has been serious business ’round these parts lately. I mean, I’m just saying. The new employee, a.k.a. Marnie the Aussie Shepherd, a.k.a. The Dog, is still in training, and whoo! — what a hoot that has been. She’s been a great addition to the team — don’t get me wrong — but she’s […]

La entrada Sundays With Tabs the Cat, mascota del blog de maquillaje y belleza, vol. 815 se publicó primero en Master En Cosmética.


Man, Spring has been serious business ’round these parts lately.

I mean, I’m just saying. The new employee, a.k.a. Marnie the Aussie Shepherd, a.k.a. The Dog, is still in training, and whoo! — what a hoot that has been. She’s been a great addition to the team — don’t get me wrong — but she’s still clearly a trainee.

I wish Tabs were still around to conduct her training because I don’t always know what I’m doing. Tabs, on the other paw, always knew what he was doing.

He was always very professional…except when he wasn’t. 😊

How has your spring been going? What have you been up to?

Things have been pretty good out here, except — and it’s a big one — for my allergies! Seriously, I’ve had the worst seasonal allergies I’ve ever had! Half the time I can’t tell if it’s an allergy attack or a cold.

But it’s almost summer, so the pollen should subside pretty soon.


Rosie hopes you had a good weekend.

What did you get up to? We didn’t do a whole lot ourselves. We did battle the crowds at Costco today, which is always an adventure, especially on a Sunday.

Remind me not to do that again. 😹

Rosie also hopes you have a great week.

Talk to you soon.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



La entrada Sundays With Tabs the Cat, mascota del blog de maquillaje y belleza, vol. 815 se publicó primero en Master En Cosmética.

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Los mejores libros de belleza que deberías tener en tu estantería – Telva Mon, 03 Jun 2024 09:22:48 +0000 source

La entrada Los mejores libros de belleza que deberías tener en tu estantería – Telva se publicó primero en Master En Cosmética.

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La entrada Los mejores libros de belleza que deberías tener en tu estantería – Telva se publicó primero en Master En Cosmética.

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Las mejores técnicas para aplicarse crema cosmética – Diario Libre Mon, 03 Jun 2024 05:00:41 +0000 source

La entrada Las mejores técnicas para aplicarse crema cosmética – Diario Libre se publicó primero en Master En Cosmética.

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La entrada Las mejores técnicas para aplicarse crema cosmética – Diario Libre se publicó primero en Master En Cosmética.

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Guía Completa de la Tecnología de Belleza en 2024 | PERFECT – Perfect Corp. Mon, 03 Jun 2024 02:08:34 +0000 source

La entrada Guía Completa de la Tecnología de Belleza en 2024 | PERFECT – Perfect Corp. se publicó primero en Master En Cosmética.

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La entrada Guía Completa de la Tecnología de Belleza en 2024 | PERFECT – Perfect Corp. se publicó primero en Master En Cosmética.

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